Ohs Risk Management

Work Place Risk Assessment

Everybody has the right to work in a safe working environment, no matter what type of work they do or what level of the business they might be at. Whether a person sits at a computer desk all day or does labour-intensive work on a construction site, they rightfully have the expectation of being able to go home at the end of the day without injury or worse. However, Occupational Health and Safety doesn’t just happen by itself; guidelines need to be drawn up, standards defined and processes documented in order for an effective OHS policy to be implemented. If you need assistance with an OHS risk assessment or OHS risk management plan for your workplace, book an appointment with AMCOSH – the OHS management system specialists in Melbourne.

Keeping Your Workplace Safe

To get workplace safety to optimal levels, it’s necessary to be able to identify potential hazards, ascertain the potential level of risk, control the risk, and then evaluate those methods of control. If you’re looking to complete an OHS risk assessment that does just that, AMCOSH Pty Ltd can provide assistance. We specialise in work place risk assessment, collaborating with businesses (from small to corporate) to devise and implement a practical OSH risk management plan that keeps everyone in the workplace as safe as possible.

What Does an OHS Risk Assessment Involve?

An AMCOSH OHS risk management specialist will evaluate the entire workplace, looking for potential risks across the board. We look for everything, from hazardous substances and dangerous goods through to confined spaces, testing and tagging of electrical items, ergonomics and much more. Upon completion of the comprehensive work place risk assessment, AMCOSH can provide training on any areas where compliance is lacking to ensure best practice methods are adopted moving forward. All training is compliant with national standard AS/NZS 4801.

We can also work with you to produce an effective OHS risk management document that highlights key responsibilities, accountability and training requirements, and the necessary tools to put the document into practice.

Organise Your OHS Risk Management Today

OHS risk management reduces the incidences of workplace injury, promotes employee wellbeing and helps to improve productivity and efficiency. Whether you’re a small business or a corporate giant, AMCOSH can visit your premises to complete a thorough work place risk assessment and assist with a risk management plan. We’ve been helping Melbourne businesses in the public and private sectors with their OHS management system needs since 2003. When you call on us to apply our knowledge and expertise to your OHS risk management, you can see improvements across the board with Occupational Health and Safety practices. To learn more, call us on 1300 622 494 or contact us online.

While you’re organising your workplace risk assessment, enquire with AMCOSH about our range of other OHS services. We can help you with conducting a chemical substance risk assessment, indoor air quality testing, workplace noise assessments, dangerous goods storage and handling, health and safety training, and asbestos testing.

Locate us

Suite 3-4, 112 Synnot Street
Werribee, VIC 3030

Call us 1300 622 494
Opening Hours

Mon-Fri : 8:30am - 6:00pm

Sat-Sun : by appointment

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